about me

I'm an Irish guy living in France. I like music, books, creative writing, art, history, vegetarianism, people, and chocolate.

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Sunday 9 November 2008

Ch... Ch.. Changes

Hmm, I haven't blogged in ages... For once I actually have a valid excuse. I've been really busy these past few weeks. I started the second year of my Masters course : it's supposed to be a year where I can concentrate on writing my Masters thesis, but I have as many classes and more coursework than any previous year.
People in uni aren't too optimistic about the future these days. Partly because of the recession's promise of a new wave of unemployment. But also because our neoliberal government has made job cuts in the French "Éducation Nationale" for the second year in a row. Now there's almost no prospects for jobs as teachers or professors in university-level education, at least not in the field of the humanities... Which leaves must of us no other option than to "reorientate"—or leave the country. Which is one of the plans we're currently considering.


Anonymous said...

ohhhh, nice graphics and theme

shamrock said...

Thanks! ;)

Emerald Champagne

rambling on...

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