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I'm an Irish guy living in France. I like music, books, creative writing, art, history, vegetarianism, people, and chocolate.

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Saturday 28 June 2008

To beer or not to beer

We just had a small end-of-year, post-exam party Thursday night. Some of the people who were supposed to come weren't able to in the end, but it was still good craic, and it also meant that there was more punch for us (on top of that, a couple of the guests didn't drink because they had to drive home afterwards). One friend of mine, Manu, who was a teaching assistant for a year in Swansea (Wales) stayed at our place overnight. We drank beer and watched Flight of the Conchords until the wee small hours of the morning.
The next day, the girls went shopping (it's the sales here) so Manu and I waited for them in the Blackface, enjoying a pint. When the girls had finished, we met them in a cafĂ©, for yet another pint. So basically Manu and I spent most of the day in pubs, or drinking beer, but it was great to catch up and just chit-chat — something I hadn't got doing for a long time.

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